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Published on 2/27/2001 法轮功在犹他州人民中生根
Published on 3/2/2001 Honolulu Star Bulletin: Falun Gong take protest to the world.
Published on 3/2/2001 Honolulu Star Bulletin: Falun Gong take protest to the world.
Published on 3/2/2001 Honolulu Star Bulletin: Falun Gong take protest to the world.
Published on 3/11/2001  多伦多星报图片新闻: 无声的诉求
Published on 3/14/2001 香港电子网络报:认识法轮功
Published on 3/21/2001 洛杉矶时报:中国头号敌人看来并不危险
Published on 3/23/2001 日内瓦《时报》漫画:邪教就是给人洗脑
Published on 3/23/2001 日内瓦《时报》漫画:邪教就是给人洗脑
Published on 3/29/2001 日内瓦论坛报:法轮功的涅盘
Published on 4/6/2001 上星期法轮功修炼者在纽约炼习五套功法之一
Published on 4/6/2001 上星期法轮功修炼者在纽约炼习五套功法之一